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NasomattoNudiflorumExtrait de Parfum

30 ml

130,00 inc. IVA

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Nasomatto Nudiflorum

Nudiflorum is a pure, nude desire in the translucence of our senses.The fragrance provides the extreme and unexpected tranquility of giving oneself to the otherwithout any concern or boundary. It is created upon the feeling of pure intimacy. Peel by peel,breath by breath, slowly the scent undresses and shows its bare skin and reveals it’s the nakedtruth. This is a perfume that provides extra warmth and shelter by a craving for the most intimateform.This fragrance is an invitation to sense the depth that undoes the distance, motivated by a hazyintuition to reveal the unarguable and inescapable truth. Nudiflorum is an interpretation of beingtouched by someone in the most sacred parts of our bodies. A light touch of bare skin penetratesthrough the surface and becomes a part of you – an uncovering of a delicate collision of skin onskin. Natural, primitive, and sensual, this cross-breed of naked fur flowers and caressing leathernotes creates a feeling of a sensual shelter one will fall into. This fragrance is a ritual of uncovering.It results from a quest to find a vanishing point in nature and the highest olfactory intimacy.

The Cap of The Bottleis made out of padauk wood, also known as Vermillion, an exotic rigidand stable African coralwood found in the central and tropical west Africa.

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