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Home » Products » Sea my Love

Stéphane Humbert LucasSea my LoveExtrait de Parfum

50 ml

195,00 inc. IVA

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Stephane Humbert Lucas | Sea My Love

Sea My Love draws inspiration from the mysterious depths and unfathomable secrets of the ocean, revealing the legend of the Sea Serpent, a fascinating creature and guardian of the great abyss.

In the deep ocean floors, where sunlight is lost, its scales shine with an ethereal glow, reflecting millennial secrets that even the waves dare not whisper.

As the sun sets, immersing the horizon in a spectacle of blue and golden reflections, the sea seems to hold its breath. Suddenly, a vibration of such intensity that it can only come from the force of the beast that dominates it.

The great Sea Serpent emerges, slicing through the water and foam with hypnotic grace. It moves majestically, its movements awakening the most powerful currents, evoking underwater storms and whirlwinds of forgotten emotions. A blink of an eye and it disappears. Its presence lasts only a moment. It plunges back into the mystery of the abyss, carrying with it the deepest secrets of the oceans to better protect its realm from prying eyes. Myth or reality? It will never risk its freedom.

Sea My Love is a fragrance where brute strength, light, and refinement play with the currents and opposing winds. Leather, animalic sugar, jasmine, salted mandarin, musky amber: combinations of new and intense notes that speak to us of Love, Majesty, Emancipation, and Power.


01 Revelation: Salted Mandarin

02 Metamorphosis: Leather, Jasmine, Marine Notes

03 Quintessence: Amber, Musk, Patchouli, Benzoin