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Home » Products » Lettre de Pushkare

Ella KLettre de PushkareEau de Parfum

100 ml

250,00 inc. IVA

Try it in Spray Parfums shopsMilanoMilano Marittima

Ella K Lettre de Pushkar

Pushkar, Rajasthan: from dawn till dusk, this sacred site arouses the senses.

Visual opulence and intoxicating aromas seem to underline the power of faith in those who seek to purify their soul at the lakeside.

Nature is happy to play along with the legendary nature of the site: the roses only flourish on the lakeside so as to be able easily to offer their petals to the Lord Brahma, and the setting sun forms a vivid backdrop for the bewitching melodic strains from the faithful.

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